Can Do! Food Drive 2023 | Donation drives in Corvallis and Springfield


Next week marks the start of KVAL’s Can-Do! Food Drive across western Oregon.

With food insecurity on the rise, more and more families are relying on food pantries across the state.

Next week, we’ll be in Corvallis collecting donations for Linn Benton Food Share.

This comes at a time when they’re particularly in need of donations.

KVAL crew will be in Corvallis next week on May 3rd at the Fred Meyer on NW Kings Boulevard.

We’ll also be in Springfield at the Fred Myer on Q St. throughout the day, from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m.

To donate to Linn Benton Food Share today, visit or text “LBFS” to 53-555.

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