From the Sweet Home New Era:
The Planning Commission at its Nov. 7 meeting held a public hearing for and approved a conditional use permit to the City of Sweet Home which allows Community Services Consortium to lease space at City Hall.
The portion of the building to be leased had not been renovated when the city moved in in 2019, and it has since been used for storage. The application indicates CSC intends to assist the city with renovations to the office space, which would include a separate front entrance, two bathrooms with showers, a washer and dryer, and general office space construction.
CSC’s Workforce Development crews would provide fuel reduction services 10 days a year (a $20,000 value) on public and private land by felling and bucking hazard trees; thinning trees in crowded stands; brushing, trimming, pruning surface and ladder fuels; chipping and hauling away debris; and delivering firewood for low income households. Additionally, they could write fuels reduction prescriptions based on Oregon State Fire Marshal standards.
Click here to read the full article.