Walter Chuck is new Lincoln County commissioner

From the Lincoln County Leader:

Walter Chuck has been selected to become the newest Lincoln County Commissioner, and it is expected he will begin his new role in mid-March.

At a meeting on Feb. 19, commissioners Casey Miller and Claire Hall were in agreement that Chuck should become the next commissioner, filling the vacancy left by the resignation of Commissioner Kaety Jacobson.

When asked how prepared he is to take on this new role, Chuck said, “I’m not naïve, there’s going to be a steep learning curve. I look forward to the hard work that it’s going to take, and I think that the best thing I can do for the first couple months is just listen and take it all in. And also support the commissioners. I think I have a pretty good record of doing that, and we need to work as a team, especially right now.”

Click here to read the full article.

The county commissioners of Benton, Lincoln, and Linn Counties comprise the Governing Board of Community Services Consortium.

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