Career Tech success from the eyes of a parent

Op-ed from the Lincoln City News Guard:

My daughter left the eighth grade with five F’s from Taft Junior High. I spent that whole summer stressing, not understanding how I was going to get this little girl through high school-even when she understood that credits were imperative to being able to advance…I had a conversation with another administrative parent and she started to tell me about Career Tech and how her son who had been at risk [and] struggling was graduating, she was so proud of him.

If you’re not familiar, Career Tech is [an accredited] high school on the top floor of the Lincoln City library, it’s such an enamoring little place, their mascot is even a student-drawn dragon!

The communication was strong, the expectation was firm, and as a direct result my 17-year-old daughter is graduating as a junior. They are graduating four kids on June 4th, my daughter happens to be one of them. The truth of it is,  is that it’s four kids who probably wouldn’t have graduated from a traditional high school and that alone is a success story.

I will always champion Career Tech, and I will tell you if you have a student that is a square peg in a round hole, there is a place where they fit!!! Our community should make sure that that Career Tech is supported in LCSD so that more kids can take it advantage of it! Trust me- one day you might need an “alternative” option, and you’ll wish you had Career Tech [Charter] High School.

Read the full op-ed article at

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